No. 2011/H/6-4/policy-1 New Delhi, Dated30/09/2011
Sub- Reimbursement of medical expeses - Delegation of powers to Divisional Railway Managers.
Ref - Boards letters No. 2011/H/6-4/policy-1 dated 07.08.2008
1. There have been demands by various zonal Railways, for enhancing the powers of the Divisional railway Managers for reimbursement of medical expenses of Railway employees, Incurred on the treatment of self of their dependents taken in emergencies in Private /non recognized hospital and dispensaries. The matter has been examined in detail in consultation with Finance Directorate of Railway Board.
2. In terms of the Board's letter No. 2011/H/6-4/policy-1 dated 07.08.2008, powers were delegates tp DRMs to settle the claims with the concurrence of their associate finance for the reimbursement of medical expenses for the treatment take even without referral from AMO in private / recoginised/ non recoginised hospitals up to Rs. 10,000/- per case with a ceiling limit of Rs. Two lakh per year only.
3. Ministry of Railways in partial modification of their above orders dated 07.08.2008 have now decided as follows:-
"Divisional Railway Managers are Delegated powers to sanction all reimbursement claims with concurrence of their associate finance for reimbursement of medical expenses for the treatment take even without referral from AMO in private / recoginised/ non recoginised hospitals up to Rs. 25,000/- per case with an annual ceiling limit of Rs.5 lakhs."
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