LIC/GIC Draft Notification For Pensioners - ALLCGNEWS

Central Government Employment News

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13 October 2010

LIC/GIC Draft Notification For Pensioners

New Delhi, the October, 2010

S.O. .- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 17 A of the General Insurance Business
(Nationalisation) Act, 1972 (57 of 1972), the Central Government hereby makes the following Scheme
further to amend the General Insurance (Employees’) Pension Scheme, 1995, namely :-

1. (1) This Scheme may be called the General Insurance (Employees’) Pension Amendment Scheme, 2010.

(2) Save as otherwise provided in this Scheme, the provisions of this Scheme shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of January, 2004.

2. In the General Insurance (Employees’) Pension Scheme, 1995 (hereinafter referred to as “the said Scheme”), in paragraph 2, in clause (l), with effect from the date of publication of this Notification, after sub-clause  (iii),the following sub-clauses (iv) and (v) shall be inserted, namely:-

“(iv) Widowed or divorced or unmarried daughter, till the date of her marriage or re-marriage, as the case may be, or the date on which her income exceeds the dependency criteria as may be specified by the Corporation or a Company from time to time, in this regard;

(v) Parents who were wholly dependent on the employee, as per the dependency criteria as may be specified by the Corporation or a Company from time to time in this regard, when he or she was alive provided the deceased employee had left neither a widow nor a child, or had left behind only a widow who subsequently got remarried: Provided that the eligibility of a member of the family to family pension at any particular point of time shall be determined in the order in which his or her mention is made in this clause.”.
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  1. What has happened to the comment I sent yesterday?Does it prick the consciousness of the leadres of today.I know the leaders who really worked and sacificed their life to the welfare of the LIC employees.But leaders of the day are sefish people.They get the salary from LIC and take it as pocket money and spend their office hours for their personal work to earn more money.They are fit to become todays politicians.

  2. What about the pensioners?Nothing is mentioned about the hike for them?Union thiks of only present emploees and the present members.IT has forgotten the retired emploees who were once the active members of the union.What action union has taken about this?it is better if it the information is given in this web site.I request you to kindly do the needful.

  3. LIC employees got a very good hike in salary and handfull of arrears heard that they are getting food coupons for the days they attend the office.It is so funny that will be given only for the days they attend the office(full day)Why not for other days?Don't they feel hungry if they don't come to office?If it is so pensioners don't feel hungry and they don't need food at all.That is why LIC is not giving them any food coupons (pensioners are not going to the office)and not hiking their pension also.NOw as the salaries are increased medi claim premium will also go up.The poor pensioners have to pay higher rate of premium without getting any increase and they are not given the medical benefit also.The pensioners need more medical assistance as they are aged.But these things are not noticed
    either by the union or by the management.Todays employees will retire tomorrow and they will get the same problems as we are facing today.LET THE UNION AND MANAGEMENT THINK OF TODAY'S PENSIONERS (IMAGINING THEIR TOMORROWS POSITION) AND DO SOMETHING GOOD FOR THEM

  4. Discrimination to GIC PENSIONERS
    The Central Govt. has notified the General insurance pension scheme 1995 vide Extra ordinary gazette part II section 3 sub section II dated: 28/04/1995. As per this scheme the qualifying service for full pension of 50% of last drawn basic is 33 years and rate commutation of pension is 33%. This scheme was prepared by taking the relevant portion of the central civil service (pension) rules 1972 which was modified up to that date. This is evident from the residuary provision contained in Para 55 of our scheme which states that “Matters relating to pension and other benefits in respect of which no express provision has been made in this scheme shall be governed by the corresponding provision contained in CCS (pension) rules 1972 or CCS (communication of pension) rules 1981, applicable to central employees”.

    Hence it is logically concluded that CCS (pension) rules 1972 & General insurance pension scheme 1995 are corollary to each other. In other words CCS (pension) rules 1972 is the basic structure of General insurance pension scheme 1995.

    Whereas this is the relation between each other, the CCS (pension) rules 1972 have been modified twice with the implementation of 5th and 6th CPC report. The latest being 6th CPC implementation office memorandum F No 38/37/08-P&PW (A) Gov. of India dated 02/09/2008. According to Para 5.2 of this memorandum the linkage of full pension with 33 years of qualifying service shall be dispensed with. Once a government servant has rendered the minimum qualifying service of twenty years, pension shall be paid at5 50% of the average emolument for last 10 months. Another important modification effected to CCS (communication) rules 1981 is by the Para 9.1 of the above memorandum which states that “A Govt. servant shall continue to commute a lump sum payment of maximum 40% of his pension. (We are still following 33 years of qualifying service for full pension and rate of commutation 33%)

    Those amendments to, CCS (pension) rule, 1972 which are favorable to GIC pensioners have not been implemented in GIC pension scheme 1995 and those which are unfavorable to GIC Pensioners have been implemented with retrospective effect. One of such example is that New contributory pension scheme has been introduced to CCS pensioners w.e.f. 01/01/2004 amending CCS (pension) rules 1972 along with the 6th CPC implementation. Same amendment has been made to, GIC pension scheme implementing new contributory pension scheme with retrospective effect to all GIC pensioners w.e.f. 01/01/2004. This is discriminatory in nature and against the spirit of article 226 of our constitution.

    Since nothing is mentioned in our GIC pension scheme 1995 regarding modification of improvements, we have to depend on the CCS (pension) rules 1972 and CCS (commutation) rules 1981 as per the Para 55 of GIC pension scheme 1995. (Which is the only remedy mentioned in our scheme)

    Hence it is requested to modify the GIC pension scheme 1995 chapter vi & chapter viii for delinking 33 years of qualifying service with full pension and to increase the rate of commutation from one third to 40% as per the above CCS pension and commutation modification rules contained in Para 5.2 & Para 9.1 of government of India ministry of personnel, public grievances & pensions, department of pension & pensioners’ welfare office memorandum F.NO.38/37/08-P&PW (Dated 02/09/2008
    ENCL: F.NO.38/37/08-P&PW (A) dated 02/09/2008, GIC Pension Scheme 1995.


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